The responsibilities of the SPA Committee are:
Responsible for recruiting, interviewing and submitting to the CEO individuals to be recommended as replacements for vacancies on the Planning Council.
Plan and organize the annual “Day of Capacity Building”.
Conduct orientation sessions for new commissioners and alternates as well as maintain and manage attendance records and removal process for the planning council.
Lead an appropriate ceremony at each annual meeting to honor Planning Council commissioners who have left the Planning Council during a given year.
Develop and implement a public relations program focused on image enhancement by showcasing Council activities.
Develop a series of awareness programs and marketing plans targeted toward community and regional government leaders and local media that would demonstrate the Council’s work and tangible benefits realized by Ryan White funding.
Liaise with individuals and organizations representing the PWH of this TGA and encourage and facilitate their participation in the Council
Collect and analyze statistical data required by HRSA for the Needs Assessment.
Collect data and analyze the environmental forces affecting the changing epidemic and service delivery
Develop a process for ongoing client surveys.
Oversee the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan 2017-202.
Review the provision of care and treatment services, emergent supportive services entitlement, and other related services for PWH and make recommendations for the continuum of care.
Prepare and update service standards as needed.
Coordinate the annual priority setting and resource allocations process.
Participate in the Recipients Clinical Quality Management Committee.
Chair: Manuel Delgado
Planning Council
Archived Planning Council
2024 Agendas
2024 Minutes
September 10, 2024
November 12, 2024
January 7, 2025