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Paperwork, documents and forms you will need when you meet with your case manager

Fact Sheets & Manuals

Planning Council Applications

Connections & Links



Let's Work: Developing Work Plans for Part A Planning Councils / Planning Bodies

Planning CHATT, January 2021

In this webinar, participants heard from Houston and Boston EMA representatives about their work plan development, implementation, and maintenance strategies.


Setting the Standard: A Comprehensive Overview of Service Standards for Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies

Planning CHATT, November 2020

Development of service standards in planning to help ensure quality care for people with HIV.


Training Guide for RWHAP Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies: A Member’s First Planning Cycle       

Planning CHATT, December 2018

The Training Guide is designed to help planning councils/planning bodies conduct orientation and ongoing training to prepare members to participate fully in RWHAP Part A planning and decision making.


El Manual del Consejo de Planificación

Planning CHATT, November 2018

El Manual fue diseñado para ayudar a los miembros del consejo de planificación del Programa Ryan White de VIH/SIDA Parte A, a entender las labores y el funcionamiento de los consejos de planificación.


Planning Council Primer

Planning CHATT, June 2018

The Primer is designed to help Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A planning council members understand the roles and functioning of planning councils.


Compendium of Materials for Planning Council Support Staff

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), February 2018

The Compendium is designed to help planning council support staff carry out their duties in supporting and facilitating the work of RWHAP Part A planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PBs). It provides tools and templates, model orientation and training materials and other time-saving resources, and offers tips and sound practices from planning councils/planning bodies across the nation.


Self-Assessment Module (SAM) Series

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), January 2009

Workbooks for RWHAP planning bodies and other entities to self-assess their effectiveness.

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